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Article: 'That's A Keeper'

'That's A Keeper'

This is a compilation of my favourite photos during my photographic journey so far. These shots hold a great deal of personal significance for me and I’m extremely proud of every photo, giving me the confidence to be the photographer I am today. I hope you enjoy the stories (and the settings) behind them :)
‘Morning Commute’
Hoi An | Vietnam | 2018
ISO 400 | 24mm | f/2.8 | 1/1000 sec
NIKON D750 | AF-S NIKKOR 24-70MM f/2.8G ED VR
“During the middle of the day this spot is packed with tourists, but, in the morning it’s mainly locals commuting. Hoi An is such a beautiful town that is quite busy, however, you can definately find these quieter moments. I sat on some steps and waited patiently, firing in short bursts at a high shutter speed. This was the only shot that I came away with that was quite clean and in focus. A perfect moment where everything came together in frame. I love the contrast of the subject against the washed-blue doors in the background. The framing and the position of the subject worked out so well too.”
‘Avalon Flow’
Avalon Beach | NSW | 2018
ISO 280 | 14mm | f/11 | 1 sec
NIKON D750 | Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED
“Avalon is probably one of my favourite beaches in Sydney. I was fortunate to be staying at my sister-in-law’s place for the weekend, which was only a 5 min drive away. Although I’ve photographed here many times, these conditions were pretty special with a decent size swell and an unusually high tide. The whole side footpath of the pool would have water rushing through with each set. Luckily, the stability of the concrete path meant that I could get a pretty safe setup and I could retreat back to the stairs behind me on the bigger sets. I snapped some great shots that morning, however, this was clearly the winner. Everything just came together. The clouds and light were quite dramatic and the motion of the water over the pool made for a unique composition. The motion of the clouds and the water almost mirror each other. The pool rails really anchor the composition and emphasise the symmetry of the whole scene .”
‘Pea Soup’
Sydney | NSW | 2015
ISO 100 | 32mm | f/11 | 1/60 sec
“I was originally headed to Bronte Beach on this morning, having to cross the harbour bridge to get there and I saw this thick fog covering everything in the harbour. I had see some amazing images with the Harbour Bridge in heavy fog and I decided to park and setup at Dawes Point instead. When the sun had finally risen, it started piercing through the fog to get these amazing rays and columns of light through the bridge. I’d never seen anything like it. I quickly changed my position setup to the Walsh Bay side of the bridge and was met with this. The picture works incredibly well as a black and white photograph. Probably one of my most accomplished images to date.”
‘Sunset Symphony’
Sydney | NSW | 2019
ISO 50 | 24mm | f/11 | 30 secs
NIKON D750 | Nikon 16-35mm f/4 VR
“Well...if you live in Sydney you kind of have to have this shot, don’t you? I had shot here countless times in the past, each with varying results. Frustratingly, I would always get ‘nice’ photos, not amazing photos. It is a very ‘light dependent’ location and I was incredibly fortunate to have the right conditions for this sunset. An incredible array of orange, pink and purple hues to work with. This was also shot with my newer filter system as my old one had a tendency to ‘black out’ too much of the Sydney skyline. It’s a common shot and an overdone shot, but I felt like I really nailed this one. The light, exposure control and overall softness was spot on and that comes with experience and perseverance in shooting a location and knowing your gear back to front to get the right results. It does also reinforce the point of making time to shoot and to always chase great light.”
‘Bombo Rush’
Bombo Quarry | NSW | 2014
ISO 100 | 14mm | f/22 | 1/2 sec
NIKON D700 | Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED
“In recent years we have made a habit of having an annual camping session down at Kiama, which gives me a chance to shoot some amazing seascape in the surrounding areas. Bombo Quarry is one of these. I think this was the second time I had been here, missing this particular vantage point on the first visit. The swell was huge and the amount of water that moves in and out of the channel is phenomenal. I did distance myself from the edge a bit because of the sheer size of the sets coming in. The light coming through at this stage was quite harsh and I did my best to control my exposure with my darkest GND filter. I managed to get this shot from a huge set rolling in. You can see how far the water travels in. I love the drama and the sheer scale of this shot. A timely reminder of the power of nature.”
‘Erawan Oasis’
Erawan Falls | Thailand | 2014
ISO 800 | 14mm | f/11 | 1/25 sec
NIKON D700 | Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED
“This shot was taken during a day trip to Erawan Falls National Park, which is about a 4.5 hr drive out of Bangkok. It’s a beautiful and unique landscape with several waterfall tiers to walk up to and swim around in. The water is a beautiful aqua blue and green from the limestone rock that surrounds the area. The beauty of the place is difficult to capture well due to the extreme contrasts in light and shadows associated with shooting rainforest scenes. This was taken at the Tier 3 waterfall. The little lens flare from the light coming through the jungle canopy and the texture of the roots in the foreground with the scattered light really add something to the overall photo. I really like the human element within the shot too.”
‘Turrimetta Inferno’
Turrimetta Beach | NSW | 2014
ISO 400 | 14mm | f/11 | 1 sec
NIKON D750 | Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED
“Truly one of the most spectacular displays of light I have ever witnessed. I guess this is an example of right place/right time. However, those 4.30am wake-ups on a Saturday morning aren’t easy either. I had never experienced a sunrise with these colours or this intensity before. It’s really hard to describe. As amazing and fleeting as the light was, I still struggled to settle on the overall composition. Turrimetta Beach is a great location because of all the different rock formations but quite hard to navigate and to change compositions quickly. In terms of processing, I hardly had to do any editing on this because of how vivid the colours were.”
‘Portofino Harbour’
Portofino | Italy | 2008
ISO 100 | 18mm | f/5.6 | 1/160 sec
NIKON D80 | Nikon 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 G ED-IF AF-S DX
“Well, I think this was a case of ‘it’s hard to take a bad photo’. Portofino is a scenic village located in the Italian Riviera which I was fortunate enough to spend a couple of nights in on my first Europe trip. Normally reserved for wealthier holiday makers, I think we were in the cheapest hotel in town which was $300/night AUD each. I was very new to photography at this point, shooting on AUTO mode and JPEG file format (facepalm). Nonetheless, this is one of my personal favourites. It’s just a beautiful setting and an amazing part of the world. I would go back in a heartbeat. I love the vibrant colours of the traditional buildings and the reflections of them in the harbour.”
‘NYC Night Walk’
New York | USA | 2013
ISO 1600 | 50mm | f/2 | 1/60 sec
NIKON D700 | Nikon 50mm f/1.4 G
“ I shot this while walking back to my hotel in Times Square during my trip to NYC. I had just visited Grand Central Station. It’s a significant photo for me and my development into more ‘travel-based’ shots. It was a culmination of skills and practice with shooting in low light conditions. It was also an appreciation of the performance and possibilities involved with shooting on a prime lens. I envisaged a shot like this, using the giants plumes of steam, however capturing it at night proved difficult. The timing of the taxi was perfect and I was lucky enough to capture it handheld without any camera shake.“
‘Wineglass Perfection’
Wineglass Bay | Tasmania | 2012
ISO 200 | 50mm | f/11 | 1/125 sec
NIKON D700 | Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED
“Tasmania is an absolutely stunning and diverse landscape. Freycinet National Park is home to quite possibly one of the best beaches in Australia, Wineglass Bay. It was a significant hike to the far end of the beach from the car park. I was lucky enough to have this stunning blue-bird day that turned the water into this crystal-clear aqua colour. The water clarity was simply amazing. The gradual lines of the waves crashing on the shore really adds depth to the shot too.”
‘Dragon Head Pastels’
No. 16 Beach Rye | Victoria | 2017
ISO 100 | 14mm | f/11 | 3 secs
NIKON D750 | Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED
“I remember it was a super early wake up for this one, 4 am, I think. I had to drive really early from Melbourne City to the Mornington Peninsula for about an hour with a little bit of time to get my bearings of the place before sunrise. A short walk to the rock platform and I could tell pretty early that this place was pretty special. Some nice pastel colours blanketed the rock shelf and I tried a few long exposures to get some nice water flow. One of those times where you just have to commit to going to a location and see how it turns out. I was pretty lucky with the conditions on this one as it was my only chance to shoot here. It’s a truly spectacular stretch of coast in Australia.”
Rihiveli Island | The Maldives | 2011
ISO 200 | 14mm | f/11 | 1/320 sec
NIKON D700 | Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED
“Well I’ve had this one hanging in my living room for a good number of years. One of my absolute favourite shots. I’ve always been fascinated with places that have scenery like this - Tahiti, The Pacific Islands and yes, The Maldives. I purchased a book by Sakis Papadopoulos called ‘Dreaming of Maldives’ with just the most amazing pictures of all these islands and resorts. I decided to make travelling to the Maldives a reality, booking a resort and to also spend some time chasing some waves. It was just a point in my life where I could, I guess. Out of all the resorts (and what I could actually afford) I settled on this French-run resort on Rihiveli Island. This spot was only about 50 metres from my room. The colours on the water when the sun was up were simply amazing. It’s a view you never got sick of. The boat (Dhoni) had actually been turned into a bench to face the sea. The simplicity and the many blues hues of the sea really make it a great photograph and print.”
‘The Peak’
Krui | Sumatra | 2019
ISO 200 | 200mm | f/11 | 1/350 sec
NIKON D750 | Nikon 70-200mm VR II
“A recent favourite of mine taken from my last bodyboarding trip to Sumatra. I am by no means a ‘surf photographer’, however my landscape/travel photography skills and and passion for ‘all things water’ seem to transition well. Our accommodation, ‘Secret Sumatra’, hosted by Aussie legends Dean and Jodie Fergus have this perfect little reef setup at their front door step. It’s a bit of a mission to get to Krui (3 seperate flights), but, all of those woes goes away when you see this wave. Resident photographer, Jake Beazley, gave me the tip to shoot with a telephoto from the side further down the beach. It’s such a good angle and the mountains in the background give an extra depth to the shot. The whole stretch of coast has so many wave different wave setups and remains relatively untouched by any commercial tourism.”
‘Lovers in LA’
Huntington Beach | USA | 2013
ISO 400 | 200mm | f/11 | 1/2 sec
NIKON D700 | Nikon 70-200mm VR II
“This was taken during a brief stay at Huntington Beach at the conclusion of our USA trip. I really enjoyed my time and experience in California. The climate, lifestyle and the scenery has alot of in common with Sydney. I didn’t really intend for this to be the final frame. When I was processing my shots after the trip I found this worked quite well as quite a tighter crop and also dialling back the exposure levels to make it more of a silhouette shot. The composition and colours just worked and it just naturally had a 'Californian' vibe about it. It comes at a time where I was more inclined and willing to include a human aspect as part of my overall composition, rather than just a super clean landscape shot. I drew alot of inspiration from Frank Bohbot’s photography and his series documenting urban American landscapes. If I was ever to go back to the USA, I would love to drive the whole west coast and see more of the national parks in California.”
McLean Falls | New Zealand | 2011
ISO 100 | 16mm | f/11 | 1 sec
NIKON D700 | Nikon 14-24mm AFS f/2.8 G ED
“This is a really important shot for me in terms of giving me the confidence to see my work on an equal level as many semi-professional and professional photographers . This waterfall is located in the Caitlins region in the South-East corner of the South Island in New Zealand. These patches of lush rainforest are very unassuming, being surrounded by mostly farm-land and rugged coastline. Apart from not using a circular polariser, I was really happy with how this shot came out and the processing I could apply to it. On comparing it to other examples from other photographers, I was confident in the fact that I could produce an equally accomplished photo.”

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